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Rome, Italy, October 11-14, 2023

ET-12 Young Investigator Awards

All students, trainees, and post-doctoral scientists up to 35 years of age submitting an abstract are encouraged to apply for an ET-12 Young Investigator Award. which will be awarded based on the scientific merit of the abstract. Award receipients will receive complementary conference registration, housing, and support for conference costs. Late-breaking abstract submission deadline will be July 17 2011.

Students, trainees, and post-doctoral scientists up to 35 years are eligible to apply for a Young Investigator Award.
All Awards will be presented during the ET-12 Award Ceremony on September 13, 2011. Authors of accepted abstracts are eligible to submit their work as an original research paper in the Elsevier journal
Life Sciences by November 1, 2011. Further information will be available soon.